
한동근 교수

전공생명공학 및 바이오 소재
연락처 031-881-7151 dkhan@cha.ac.kr


  • 1979. 03 – 1983. 02 한양대학교 공과대학 섬유공학과(공학사)
  • 1983. 03 – 1985. 02 한양대학교 대학원 섬유공학과(공학석사)
  • 1990. 03 – 1993. 08 서울대학교 대학원 의용생체공학과(공학박사)


  • 1983.09-1984.03 한국과학기술연구원(KIST) 고분자재료연구실 위촉연구원
  • 1985. 02-1990. 04 군 복무(특례보충역, KIST)
  • 1985.02-2017.07 KIST 생체재료연구단 연구원(1985.02-1995.08)
  • 선임연구원(1995.09-1999.02)
  • 책임연구원(1999.03-2017.07)
  • 1988.03-2004.02 한양대학교 응용화공생명공학부 객원교수
  • 2000.08-2002.08 (주) 덴키스트 대표이사/연구소장(KIST 겸직, 치과재료)
  • 2004.03-2017.07 고려대학교 (화공)생명공학부 객원교수
  • 2005.05-2010.04 고려대학교 의과대학 외래교수
  • 2007.02-2009.01 과기부 차세대바이오신약장기사업 실무위원회 실무위원
  • 2009.06-2013.05 산업부 소재원천기술개발사업 총괄사업단장
  • 2008.09-2017.07 과학기술연합대학원대학교(UST) 의공학과 교수
  • 2008.10-2017.02 과기부 미래유망 파이오니어사업 총괄사업단장
  • 1995.03-1996.03 미국 California Institute of Technology(칼텍) 화학/화공부 Post-Doc, Associate(advisor : prof. Jeffrey A. Hubbell)
  • 2009.12-2010.11 국가교육과학기술자문회의 과기분야 전문위원
  • 2013.03-2017.07 한국연구재단 ICT융합연구단 전문위원(RB)
  • 2016.01-2018.12 한국보건산업진흥원 PM 운영위원
  • 2007.11-현재 보복부 보건신기술 생명공학/의료기기 전문분과위원회 위원
  • 2012.03-현재 한국산업기술진흥협회 시상인증사업 심사위원
  • 2016.01-현재 식약처 차세대 의료기기 100프로젝트 전문가 위원
  • 2017.08-현재 차의과학대학교 의생명과학과 특훈교수
  • 2018.03-현재 분당차병원 임상시험센터 부센터장(의료기기)
  • 2018.10-현재 차의과학대학교 의공학연구소 연구소장
  • 현재 한국생체재료학회(KSBM) 명예회장(2017년 회장 역임)
  • 현재 한국중재의료기기학회(KSRS) 부회장
  • 현재 한국조직공학재생의학회(KTERMS) 명예회장 (2020년 회장 역임)
  • 현재 한국생체재료학회(KSBM) WBC2024 공동조직위원장

  • [수상경력]
  • 우수 연구원 표창(1986. 1. 5, KIST)
  • 우수 논문상 수상(1994. 2. 8, KIST)
  • 우수 연구원 이사장상 표창(2001. 10. 26, 과기부 기초기술연구회 이사장)
  • AWARD OF CONTRIBUTION (2008. 5. 28, 8th World Biomaterials Congress, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 한국생체재료학회)
  • 우수 연구팀상 수상(2009. 1. 2, KIST)
  • 공로상(2010. 11. 25, 한국생체재료학회)
  • 2011-15 “Marquis Who’s Who” 인명사전에 등재
  • AWARD OF CONTRIBUTION (2012. 6. 4, 9th World Biomaterials Congress, Chengdu, China, 한국생체재료학회)
  • 올해의 과학자상(2012. 11. 23, 한국과학기자협회)
  • 덴티움 공로상(2014. 11. 6, 한국생체재료학회)
  • 이달의 KIST인상(2015. 7. 24, KIST)
  • 히스토스템 우수학술상(2016. 9. 29, 한국생체재료학회)
  • 도레이 고분자상(2017. 10. 12, 한국고분자학회)
  • 오스템임플란트 생체재료 대상(2018.10.18. 한국생체재료학회)
  • 과학기술정보통신부 장관상(2019. 4. 22, 과학기술정보통신부)
  • 메디포스트 학술상(2019. 6. 7, 한국조직공학재생의학회)
  • 올해의 교수상_연구부분(2020.10.23. 차의과학대학교)

  • [대외활동]

    국외: 미국생체재료학회(SFB) 회원, 세계조직공학재생의학회(TERMIS) 회원, 미국 의공학회(BMES) 회원,세계생체재료학회(IUSBSE) Fellow
    국내: 한국생체재료학회(평이사, 재무이사, 학술이사/위원, 편집위원, 학술위원장, 총무이사, 전무이사, 감사, 수석부회장, 회장; 현재 명예회장, WBC2024 공동조직위원장); 한국조직공학재생의학회(교재편찬위원, 감사, 재무이사, 총무이사, 학술이사, 회원관리이사, 기획정책이사, 회원진흥위원장, 부회장, 수석부회장; 현재 회장, 편집위원); 한국중재의료기기학회(총무이사, 현재 부회장); 한국고분자학회(운영이사, 기획이사, 편집이사, 학술위원, 영문지/국문지/기술지 편집위원, 학회발전위원, 의료용 고분자 부문위원장, 평이사, 현재 평의원); 대한의용생체공학회(학술위원, 교육위원, 영문지 편집위원, 국문지 편집위원, 현재 평의원), 한국공업화학회(생체재료분과회 고문), 대한창상학회(기획위원, 편집위원), 조선대 구강생물연구학회, 한국접착계면학회, 대한섬유공학회, 대한화학회, 대한치과기재학회, 대한지혈혈전학회, 한국오가노이드학회, 한국엑소좀학회 회원


  • 기술이전: 치과용 고분자재료(2건)
  • 심장 관상동맥용 금속스텐트(2건)
  • 심장 관상동맥용 고분자스텐트(2건)
  • 상 품 화: 수술용 생분해성 봉합사, 고흡수성 고분자, 단백질이 붙지 않는 콘택트렌즈
  • 개 발: 생체피부를 봉합하는 조직접착제, 조직공학적 코 연골 재생, 주름방지용 생 분해성 고분자 필러, 비혈관/혈관 약물방출스텐트 등

  • [연구실적]
  • 논문: 323편(외국논문: 181편, 국내논문: 106편, 저서 및 역서: 16편, 총설: 20편)
  • 국내외 특허: 113건, 국제학술회의 proceedings: 200 여편, 국내학술회의 proceedings: 400 여편 등

  • [연구분야]
  • 조직공학용 생분해성 스캐폴드, 조직재생용 줄기세포 분화, 고기능성 약물방출스텐트, 세라믹 나노입자를 이용한 의료기기, 오가노이드 및 엑소좀 제조

  • [국외논문] 2015 ~ 현재
  • S.N. Kang, S.-E. Kim, J. Choi, K. Park, J.H. Goo, D.S. Sim, Y.J. Hong, J.H.. Kim, J. Lee, M..H Jeong, and D.K. Han, “Comparison of phytoncide with sirolimus as a novel drug candidate for drug-eluting stent”, Biomaterials, 44, 1-10 (2015). IF: 10.317
  • M. Kim, C. Song, D.K. Han, K.-D. Ahn, S.S. Hwang, D.J. Ahn, and M.-H. Kim, “Allylimidazolium salt based antibacterial polymer coatings produced by thiol-ene photocuring”, React. Funct. Polym. 87, 53-60 (2015). IF: 3.333
  • E. Lih, S.H. Oh, Y.K. Joung, J.H. Lee, and D.K. Han, “Polymers for Cell/Tissue Anti-Adhesion“, Prog. Polym. Sci., 44, 28-61 (2015). IF: 22.620
  • J.-S. Choi, J.-Y. Lim, I.S. Park, S.Y. Seo, Y.J. Cho. YK.. Joung, D.K. Han, and Y.-M. Kim, “Surface–Modified Silicone T-tube for Prevention of Tracheal Stenosis in a Rabbit Model”, Laryngoscope, 125, 1465-1471 (2015). IF: 2.465
  • T.M. Bedair, S.J. Yu, S.G. Im, B.J. Park, Y.K. Joung, and D.K. Han, “Effects of Interfacial Layer Wettability and Thickness on the Coating Morphology and Sirolimus Release for Drug-Eluting Stent”, J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 460, 189-199 (2015). IF: 7.489
  • A.R. Son, D.Y. Kim, S.H. Park, J.Y. Jang, B.J. Kim, X.Y. Yin, J.-H. Kim, B.H. Min, D.K. Han, and M.S. Kim, “Direct chemotherapeutic dual drug delivery through intra-articular injection for rheumatoid arthritis treatment”, Scientific Report, 5(14713), 1-12 (2015). IF: 3.998
  • B.G. Choi, K.-S. Park, J.-H. Kim, K-W. Ko, J.-S. Kim,, D.K. Han, and S.-H. Lee, “Stiffness of Hydrogels Regulates Cellular Reprogramming Efficiency through Mesenchymal-to-Epithelial Transition and Stemness Markers” Macromol. Biosci., 16(2), 199-206 (2016). IF: 3.416
  • E. Lih, J.W. Jung, Y.K. Joung, D.J. Ahn, and D.K. Han, “Synergistic effect of anti-platelet and anti-inflammation of drug-coated Co-Cr substrates for prevention of initial in-stent restenosis”, Colloids Surf. B Biointerfaces, 140, 353-360 (2016). IF: 4.389
  • D.H. Choi, S.N. Kang, S.M. Kim, S. Gobaa, B.J. Park, I.H. Kim, Y.K. Joung, and D.K. Han, “Growth factors-loaded stents modified with hyaluronic acid and heparin for induction of rapid and tight re-endothelialization“, Colloids Surf. B Biointerfaces, 141, 602-610 (2016). IF: 4.389
  • S.M. Kim, K.-S. Park, E. Lih, Y.J. Hong, J.H. Kang, I.H. Kim, M.H. Jeong, Y.K. Joung, and D.K. Han, “Fabrication and characteristics of dual functionalized vascular stent by spatio-temporal coating”, Acta Biomaterialia, 38, 143-152 (2016). IF: 7.242
  • E. Lih, K.W. Park, S.Y. Chun, H. Kim, T.G. Kwon, Y.K. Joung, and D.K. Han, “Biomimetic porous PLGA scaffolds incorporating decellularized extracellular matrix for kidney tissue regeneration”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interf., 8(33), 21145-21154 (2016). IF: 8.758
  • M.A. Elnaggar, S.H. Seo, S. Gobaa, K.S. Lim, I.-H. Bae, M.H. Jeong, D.K. Han, and Y.K. Joung, “Nitric Oxide-releasing Coronary Stent: A New Approach Using Layer-by-layer Coating and Liposomal Encapsulation”, Small, 12(43), 6012-6023 (2016). IF: 11.459
  • E. Lih, S.Y. Ji, T.-I. Son, Y.K. Joung, and D.K. Han, “Surface Modification and Characterizations of Nitinol alloy with Hyaluronic Acid for Improvement of Blood Compatibility”, J. Biomater. Tissue Eng., 6, 780-787 (2016). IF: 0.511
  • T.M. Bedair, .N. Kang, Y.K. Joung, and D.K. Han, “A promising approach for improving the coating stability and the in vivo performance of biodegradable polymer-coated sirolimus-eluting stent”, J. Biomed. Nanotech., 12(11), 2015-2028 (2016). IF: 4.483
  • S.B. Park, E. Lih, K.-S. Park, Y.K. Joung, and D.K. Han, “Biopolymer-based functional composites for medical applications”, Prog. Polym. Sci., 68, 77-105 (2017). IF: 22.620
  • D.-Y. Cho, K. Hoffman, D. Skinner, C. Mackey, D.J. Lim, G.C. Alexander, C.Y. Bae, D.K. Han, H.-W. Jun, and B.A. Woodworth, “Tolerance and Pharmacokinetics of a Ciprofloxacin-coated Sinus Stent in a Preclinical Model”, International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology, 7(4), 352-358 (2017). IF: 2.611
  • S.M. Kim, S.-B. Park, T.M. Bedair, M.-H. Kim, B.J. Park, Y.K. Joung, and D.K. Han, “The effect of solvents and hydrophilic additive on stable coating and controllable sirolimus release system for drug-eluting stent”, Mater. Sci. Eng. C, 78, 39-46 (2017). IF: 5.880
  • B.S. Kim, S.Y. Chun, E. Lih, Y.-S. Ha, H.T. N.-H. Yu, D.H. Kim, J.S. Kim, P.H. Song, D.K. Han, and T.G. Kwon, “Optimal Molecular Weight of Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) and Mg(OH)2 Concentration to Fabricate Anti-Inflammatory Scaffold for Renal Tissue Regeneration“, J. Biomater. Tissue Eng., 7, 1038-1044 (2017). IF:0.511
  • M.A. Elnaggar, R. Subbiah, D.K. Han, Y.K. Joung, “Lipid-based carriers for controlled delivery of nitric oxide”, Expert Opin. Drug Deliv., 16(12), 1341-1353 (2017). IF, 4.838
  • B.N. Jang, S.N. Kang, T.-G. Eom, D.K. Han, S.-H. An, I. Noh, C.H. Kum, “Controlled release of paclitaxel using a drug eluting stent through modulation of the size of drug particles in vivo”, J. Biomed. Mater. Res. B Appl. Biomater. 2017 Oct 31, doi: 10.1002/jbm.b.34035. [Epub ahead of print] IF: 2.831
  • T.M. Bedair, M.A. Elnaggar, R. Subbiah, Y.K. Joung, D.K. Han, “Recent advances to accelerate re-endothelialization for vascular stents”, J. Tissue Eng., 2017 Sep 28, doi: 10.1177/2041731417731546. IF: 5.352
  • K.-S. Park, B.-J. Kim, E. Lih, W. Park, S.-H. Lee, Y.K. Joung, D.K. Han, “Versatile effects of magnesium hydroxide nanoparticles in PLGA scaffold–mediated chondrogenesis“, Acta Biomaterialia, 73, 204-216 (2018). IF: 7.242
  • S.Y. Chun, H.T. Kim, Y.-S. Ha, N.H. Yu, E. Lih, D.H. Kim, S.Y. Kwon, P.H. Song, J.S. Kim, B.S. Kim, B.W. Kim, D.K. Han, and T.G. Kwon, “Initial immunomodulation using Mg(OH)2 promotes renal regeneration via anti-inflammatory processes”, J. Biomater. Tissue Eng., 8(5), 704-715 (2018). IF: 0.511
  • E. Lih, C.H. Kum, W. Park, S.Y. Chun, Y. Cho, Y.K. Joung, K.-S. Park, Y.J. Hong, D.J. Ahn, B.-S. Kim, T.G. Kwon, M.H. Jeong, J.A. Hubbell, D.K. Han, “Modified Magnesium Hydroxide Nanoparticles Inhibits the Inflammatory Response to Biodegradable Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) Implants”, ACS Nano, 12(7), 6917-6925 (2018). IF: 14.588
  • H.-K. Chang, P.-H. Kim, D.W. Kim, H.-M. Cho, M.J. Jeong, D.H. Kim, Y.K. Joung, K.S. Lim, H.B. Kim, H.C. Lim, D.K. Han, Y.J. Hong, and J.-Y. Cho, “Coronary Stents with Inducible VEGF/HGF-secreting UCB-MSCs Reduced Restenosis and Increased Re-endothelialization in Swine Model“, Exp. & Mol. Med., accepted (2018). IF: 5.418
  • S. K. Lee, C.-M. Han, W. Park, I.H. Kim, Y.K. Joung, and D.K. Han, “Synergistically Enhanced Osteoconductivity and Anti-inflammation of PLGA/β-TCP/Mg(OH)2 Composite for Orthopedic Applications”, Mater. Sci. & Eng. C, accepted (2018). IF: 5.880
  • Sustained Drug Release Using Cobalt Oxide Nanowires for the Preparation of Polymer-Free Drug-Eluting Stents, J. Biomed. Mater. Res. B Appl. Biomater., accepted (2018). IF: 2.831
  • H.-K. Chang, P.-H. Kim, D.W. Kim, H.-M. Cho, M.J. Jeong, D.H. Kim, Y.K. Joung, K.S. Lim, H.B. Kim, H.C. Lim, D.K. Han, Y.J. Hong, and J.-Y. Cho, “Coronary Stents with Inducible VEGF/HGF-secreting UCB-MSCs Reduced Restenosis and Increased Re-endothelialization in Swine Model“, Exp. & Mol. Med., 50, 114 (2018). IF: 5.418
  • E. Lih, W. Park, K.W. Park, S.Y. Chun, H. Kim, Y.K. Joung, T.G. Kwon, J.A. Hubbell, D.K. Han, “A Bioinspired Scaffold with Anti-inflammatory Magnesium Hydroxide and Decellularized Extracellular Matrix for Renal Tissue Regeneration”, ACS Central Science, DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.8b00812 (2019). IF: 12.685
  • Lih, C.H. Kum, W. Park, S.Y. Chun, Y. Cho, Y.K. Joung, K.-S. Park, Y.J. Hong, D.J. Ahn, B.-S. Kim, T.G. Kwon, M.H. Jeong, J.A. Hubbell, D.K. Han, “Modified Magnesium Hydroxide Nanoparticles Inhibits the Inflammatory Response to Biodegradable Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) Implants”, ACS Nano, 12, 6917-6925 (2018). IF=14.588
  • Lih, W. Park, K.W. Park, S.Y. Chun, H. Kim, Y.K. Joung, T.G. Kwon, J.A. Hubbell,D.K. Han, “A Bioinspired Scaffold with Anti-inflammatory Magnesium Hydroxide and Decellularized Extracellular Matrix for Renal Tissue Regeneration”, ACS Central Sci., 5, 458-467 (2019). IF=12.685
  • K.-S. Kim, J.-H. Han, J.-H. Park, H.-K. Kim, S.H. Choi, G.R. Kim, H. Song, H.J. An, D.K. Han, W. Park, K.-S. Park, “Multifunctional nanoparticles for genetic engineering and bioimaging of natural killer (NK) cell therapeutics”, Biomaterials, 221, 119418 (2019). IF=10.317
  • E.J. Go, E. Kang, S.K. Lee, S. Park, J.H. Kim, W. Park, I.H. Kim, B. Choi, D.K. Han, “An osteoconductive PLGA scaffold with bioactive ß-TCP and anti-inflammatory Mg(OH)2 to improve in vivo bone regeneration, Biomater. Sci., 8, 937-948 (2020). IF=6.183
  • E. Kang, S.-B. Park, B. Choi, S.-W. Baek, K.-W. Ko, W. Park, I.H. Kim, D.K. Han, “Enhanced mechanical and biological characteristics of PLLA composites through surface grafting of oligolactide on magnesium hydroxide nanoparticles”, Biomater. Sci., 8, 2018-2030 (2020). IF=6.183
  • W. Park, K.H. Song, J. Lim, C.G. Park, J. Doh, D.K. Han, “Biomaterial-based strategies to prime dendritic cell-mediated anti-cancer immune responses”, Int. Mater. Rev., doi.org/10.1080/09506608.2020.1735117 (2020). IF=21.086
  • W. Park, H. Shin, B. Choi, W.-K. Rhim, K Na, D.K. Han, “Advanced Hybrid Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications”, Prog. Mater. Sci., doi.org/10.1016/j.pmatsci.2020.100686 (2020). IF=23.725
  • K.-S. Park, S.N. Kang, D.H. Kim, H.-B. Kim, K.S. Im, W. Park, Y.J. Hong, D.K. Han, and Y.K. Joung, “Late endothelial progenitor cell-capture stent with CD146 antibody and nanostructure reduces in-stent restenosis and thrombosis”, Acta Biomater., doi.org/10.1016/j.actbio.2020.05.011 (2020). IF=7.242
  • Y.A. Kim, S.Y. Chun, S.-B. Park, W.-G. Koh, T.G. Kwon, D.K. Han, Y.K. Joung, “Scaffold-Supported Extracellular Matrices Preserved by Magnesium Hydroxide Nanoparticle for Renal Tissue Regeneration”, Biomater. Sci., DOI: 10.1039/d0bm00871k (2020). IF=6.183
  • T.M. Bedair, C.K. Lee, D.-S. Kim, S.-W. Baek, H.M. Bedair, H.P. Joshi, U.Y. Choi, K.-H. Park, W. Park, I.B. Han, D.K. Han, “Magnesium hydroxide-incorporated PLGA composite attenuates inflammation and promotes BMP2-induced bone formation in spinal fusion“, J. Tissue Eng., doi.org/10.1177/2041731420967591 (2020). IF=5.352
  • E.-J. Go, H. Yang, H.J. Chon, D.S. Yang, W.H. Ryu, D.-H. Kim, D.K. Han, C. Kim, W. Park, “Combination of Irreversible Electroporation and STING Agonist for Effective Cancer Immunotherapy”, Cancers, doi.org/10.3390/cancers12113123 (2020). IF=5.742
  • K.-W. Ko, B. Choi, E.Y. Kang, S.-W. Shin, S.-W. Baek, D.K. Han, “Antagonistic effect of magnesium hydroxide nanoparticles on vascular endothelial activation induced by acidic PLGA degradation product”, Biomater. Sci., in press (2020). IF: 6.183
  • K.-S. Kim, J.-H. Han, S.H. Choi, H. Jung, J. D. Park, H.J. An, S.-E. Kim, D.-H. Kim, J. Doh, D.K. Han, I.-H. Kim, W. Park, K.-S. Park, “Cationic Nanoparticle-mediated Activation of Natural Killer Cells for Effective Cancer Immunotherapy”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, (2020). IF: 8.758
  • S.-B. Park, M.-H. Sung, H. Uyamac, D.K. Han, Poly(glutamic acid): Production, composites, and medical applications of the next-generation biopolymer, Prog. Polym. Sci., 113, 101341 (2021). IF: 24.505
  • T.M. Bedair, Y. Hur, J. Ryu, H.M. Berair, W. Park, D.K. Han, “Biocompatible and Functional Inorganic Magnesium Ceramic Particles for Biomedical Applications”, Biomater. Sci. (2021). IF: 6.183
  • C. Park, K.-S. Park, M.J. Jeong, H.-B. Kim, I. Bae, K.S. Im, M.-X. Li, Y.-J. Hong, D.K. Han, Y.K. Joung, “A Robustly Supported Extracellular Matrix Improves the Intravascular Delivery Efficacy of Endothelial Progenitor Cells”, Adv. Func. Mater. (2021). IF: 16.836
  • K.-W. Ko, S.-Y. Park, E.H. Lee, Y.-I. Yoo, D.-S. Kim, J.Y. Kim, T.G. Kwon, D.K. Han, “An Integrated Bioactive Scaffold with An Integrated Bioactive Scaffold with Polydeoxyribonucleotide and Stem Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles for Kidney Regeneration”, ACS Nano, (2021). IF: 14.588
  • H.I. Lee, Y. Heo, S.W. Baek, D.S. Kim, D.H. Song, D.K. Han, “Multifunctional Biodegradable Vascular PLLA Scaffold with Improved X-ray Opacity, Anti-Inflammation, and Re-Endothelization”, Polymers, 13, 1979 (2021). IF=4.329
  • E.-Y. Shin, D.-S. Kim, M.J. Lee, A.R. Lee, S.H. Shim, S.W. Baek, D.K. Han, D.R. Lee, “Prevention of chemotherapy-induced premature ovarian insufficiency in mice by scaffold-based local delivery of human embryonic stem cell-derived mesenchymal progenitor cells“, Stem Cell Res. Ther., 12, 431 (2021). IF=6.832
  • M. Abdel Maksoud, M. El-Gamal, B.S. Lee, M.G. El-Din, H.K. Jeon, D. Kwon, U.M. Ammar, K.I. Mersal, E. Ali, K.-T. Lee, K.H. Yoo, D.K. Han, J.K. Lee, G. Kim, H.S. Choi, Y.J. Kwon, K.H. Lee, C.-H. Oh, “Discovery of New Imidazo[2,1-b]thiazole Derivatives as Potent Pan-RAF Inhibitors with Promising In vitro and In vivo Anti-melanoma Activity”, J. Med. Chem., 64, 6877-6901 (2021). IF=7.446
  • D.-S. Kim, J.-K. Lee, J.-W. Jung, S.-W. Baek, J.H. Kim, Y. Heo, T.-H. Kim; D.K. Han, “Promotion of Bone Regeneration Using Bioinspired PLGA/MH/ECM Scaffold Combined with Bioactive PDRN”, Materials, 14(15), 4149 (2021). IF=3.623
  • D.-S. Kim, J.-K. Lee, J.H. Kim, J. Lee, D.S. Kim, S. An, S.-B. Park, T.-H. Kim, J.S. Rim, S. Lee, D.K. Han, “Advanced PLGA hybrid scaffold with a bioactive PDRN/BMP2 nanocomplex for angiogenesis and bone regeneration using human fetal MSCs”, Sci. Adv., 7(50), 10.1126/sciadv.abj1083 (2021). IF=14.136
  • S.-W. Baek, D.H Song, H.I. Lee, D.-S. Kim, Y. Heo, J.H. Kim, C,G Park, D.K. Han, “Poly(L-Lactic Acid) Composite with Surface-Modified Magnesium Hydroxide Nanoparticles by Biodegradable Oligomer for Augmented Mechanical and Biological Properties”, Materials, 14, 5869 (2021) IF=3.623
  • J.W. Woo, K.-W. Ko, S.-G. Cha, Y. Heo, D.K. Han, “Comparison of Surface Functionalization of PLGA Composite to Immobilize Extracellular Vesicles”, Polymers, 13, 3643 (2021) IF=4.329
  • Y-H. S-W. Shin. D.-S. Kim. S.M. Lee. S-Y Park. S-W. Baek. J-K Lee. J-H Kim. D.K. Han. “Bioactive PCL microspheres with enhanced biocompatibility and collagen production for functional hyaluronic acid dermal fillers”, Biomaterials Science, 10. 947-959(2022) IF=6.843

  • [국내논문]
  • J.E. Ihm, S.T. Lee, D.K. Han, J.M. Lim, J.A. Hubbell, “Murine ovarian follicle culture in PEG-hydrogel: effects of mechanical properties and the hormones FSH and LH on development”, Macromol. Res., 23(4), 377-386 (2015). IF: 2.047
  • J.E. Ihm, J.M. Lim, I. Parozo, S.J. Sim, D.K. Han, and J.A. Hubbell, “Improved biocompatibility of polyethylenimine (PEI) as a gene carrier by conjugating urocanic acid: in vitro and in vivo”, Macromol. Res., 23(4), 387-395 (2015). IF: 2.047
  • H.-D. Woo1, K.-T. Park, E.-H. Kim, Y. Heo, J.-H. Jeong, D.-G. Pyun, C.-S. Choi, J.-G. Lee, D.K. Han, J.-W. Nah, and T.-I. Son, “Preparation of UV-Curable Gelatin Derivatives for Drug Immobilization on Polyurethane Foam: Development of Wound Dressing Foam”, Macromol. Res., 23(11), 994-1003 (2015). IF: 2.047
  • S.N. Kang, C. Park, S.M. Kim, K.W. Park, B.J. Park, D.K. Han, and Y.K. Joung, “Effect of Stromal Cell Derived Factor-1 Release from Heparin-Coated Co-Cr Stent Substrate on the Recruitment of Endothelial Progenitor Cells”, Macromol. Res., 23(12), 1159-1167 (2015). IF: 2.047
  • E.-H. Kim, S.-H. Park, S.-Y. Chi, H.-D. Woo, Y. Heo, Y. Ito, D.K. Han, J.-W. Nah, and T.-I. Son, “Enhancement Effect of Cell Adhesion on Titanium Surface Using Phosphonated Low-Molecular-Weight Chitosan Derivative“, Macromol. Res., 24(2), 99-103 (2016). IF: 2.047
  • E.Y. Kang E. Lih, I.H. Kim, Y.K. Joung, D.K. Han, “Effects of poly(L-lactide-ε -caprolactone) and magnesium hydroxide additives on physico-mechanical properties and degradation of poly(L-lactic acid)”, Biomater. Res., 20(1), 37-45 (2016).
  • Y. Cho, S.Y. Seo, B.J. Par, Y.K. Joung, and D.K. Han, “Silicone Rubber with Mussel-Inspired Adhesive Coatings for Enhancing Antifouling Property and Blood Compatibility“, Macromol. Res., 25, 841-848 (2017)-Selected Article. IF: 2.047
  • H.J. Jang, S.-B. Park, T.M. Bedair, M.-K. Oh, D.-J. Ahn, W. Park, Y.K. Joung, D.K. Han, “Effect of various shaped magnesium hydroxide particles on mechanical and biological properties of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) composites”, J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 59, 266-276 (2018). IF: 5.278
  • S.Y. Chun, D.H. Kim, J.S. Kim, H.T. Kim, E.S. Yoo, J.-W. Chung, Y.-S. Ha, P.H. Song, Y.K. Joung, D.K. Han, S.K. Chung, B.S. Kim, and T.G. Kwon, “A Novel Dorsal Slit Approached Non-Ischemic Partial Nephrectomy Method for a Renal Tissue Regeneration in a Mouse Model”, Tissue Eng. Regen. Med., 15(4), 453-466 (2018). IF: 2.374
  • J.Y. Kim, S.Y. Chun, S.H. Lee, E. Lih, J. Kim, D.H. Kim, Y.-S. Ha, J.-W. Chung, J.N. Lee, B.S. Kim, H.T. Kim, E.S. Yoo, D.K. Han, T.G. Kwon, B.I. Jang, “In Vivo Validation Model of a Novel Anti-Inflammatory Scaffold in Interleukin-10 Knockout Mouse“, Tissue Eng. Regen. Med., 15(4), 381-392 (2018). IF: 2.374
  • T.M. Bedair, W. Park, B.-J. Park, M.-W. Moon, K.-R. Lee, Y.K. Joung, D.K. Han, “Dual-Layer Coated Drug-Eluting Stents with Improved Degradation Morphology and Controlled Drug Release”, Macromol. Res., 26(7), 641-649 (2018). IF: 2.047
  • C.-M. Han; E. Lih; S.-K. Choi; T.M. Bedair; Y.-J. Lee; W. Park; D.K. Han; J.S. Son, Y.K. Joung, “Biodegradable sheath-core biphasic monofilament braided stent for bio-functional treatment of esophageal strictures”, J. Ind. Eng. Chem., accepted (2018). IF: 5.278
  • W. Park, D.K. Han, “New Opportunities for Nanoparticles in Cancer Immunotherapy”, Biomater. Res., accepted (2018).
  • T.M. Bedair, W. Park, B.-J. Park, Y.K. Joung, and D.K. Han, “Covalent Immobilization of Fibroblast-derived Matrix on Metallic Stent for Expeditious Re-endothelialization”, J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 70, 385-393 (2019).IF: 5.278
  • M.A. Elnaggar, D.K. Han, Y.-K. Joung, “Nitric Oxide Releasing Lipid Bilayer Tethered on Titanium and Its Effects on Vascular Cells”, J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 80, 811-819 (2019). IF=5.278
  • S.-W. Shin, Y.-D. Jang, K.-W. Ko, E.Y. Kang, J.-H. Han, T.M. Bedair, I.-H. Kim, T.-I. Son, W. Park, D.K. Han, “PCL Microspheres Containing Magnesium Hydroxide for Dermal Filler with Enhanced Physicochemical and Biological Performances”, J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 80, 854-861 (2019). IF=5.278
  • N.-H. Yu, S.Y. Chun, Y.-S. Ha, H.T. Kim, E. Lih, D.H. Kim, J. Kim, J.-W. Chung, P.H. Song, E.S. Yoo, S.K. Chung, D.K. Han, B.S. Kim, T.G. Kwon, “In Vivo Safety and Regeneration of Long-Term Transported Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells for Renal Regeneration”, Tissue Eng. Regen. Med., 16, 81-92 (2019). IF=2.374
  • K.-W. Ko, Y.-I. Yoo, J.Y. Kim, B. Choi, S.-B. Park, W. Park, W.-K. Rhim, D.K. Han, “Attenuation of TNF-a induced inflammation by UC-MSC derived exosome-mimetic nanovesicles in endothelial cells”, Tissue Eng. Regen. Med., 17(2), 155-163 (2020). IF=2.374
  • E.-J. Go, D. Yang, W.H. Ryu, H.F. Chon, C. Kim, K.S. Park. D.H. Kim, D.K. Han, W. Park, “Optimal Voltage and Electrical Pulse Conditions for Electrical Ablation to Induce Immunogenic Cell Death (ICD)”, J. Ind. Eng. Chem., accepted (2020). IF=5.278
  • J.Y. Kim, W.-K. Rhim, H.J. Seo, J.Y. Lee, C.G. Park, D.K. Han, “Comparative Analysis of MSC-Derived Exosomes Depending on Cell Culture Media for Regenerative Bioactivity”, Tissue Eng. Regen. Med., 18, 355–367 (2021). IF=4.169
  • J.-K. Kim, E.-J. Go, K.-W. Ko, H.-J. Oh, J. Han, D.K. Han, W. Park, “PLGA Microsphere Containing Hydrophobically Modified Magnesium Hydroxide Particles for Acid Neutralization-mediated Anti-inflammation”, Tissue Eng. Regen. Med., 18, 613-622 (2021). IF=4.169
  • D.-H. Ga, C.-M. Lim, Y. Jang, D.K. Han, Y.K. Joung, “Surface-modifying effect of zwitterionic polyurethane oligomers complexed with metal ions on blood compatibility”, Tissue Eng. Regen. Med., 18, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13770-021-00400-w (2021). IF=4.169
  • Y-I. Yoon, K-W, Ko, S-G. Cha, S-Y. Park, J-W. Woo, D.K. Han, “Highly effective induction of cell-derived extracellular matrix by macromolecular crowding for osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells”, J. Ind. Eng. Chem, (2021)IF= 5.278


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  • 오창현, 한동근, 유경호, Mohammed Samir, 최홍석, 마흐무드 가말엘딘, “흑색종 항증식 효 과를 가지는 신규 이미다조옥사졸계 화합물 또는 이의 제조방법”, 한국특허 출원 제 2016-0085062호(2016. 7. 5).
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  • 한동근, 박우람, 강은영, “표면 개질된 무기 나노입자 및 생분해성 고분자를 포함하는 생체이식물, 및 이의 제조방법”, PCT/KR2020/011930호(2020. 9. 4).
  • 한동근, 강은영, 이학일, “풍선 카테터용 약물 전달체”, 한국특허 출원 제 10-2020-0141465 호(2020. 10. 28).
  • 한동근, 고경원, 박소연, “생리활성물질을 포함하는 생분해성 고분자 지지체 및 이의 제조방법”, 한국특허 출원 제 10-2021-0030041 호(2021.03.08.)
  • 한동근, 박우람, 한기남, “세라믹 나노입자를 포함하는 생분해성 스텐트 튜브 및 이의 제조방법”, 한국등록 제 10-2240405 호(2021.04.08.)
  • 한동근, 박우람, 강은영, “표면 개질된 무기 나노입자 및 생부해성 고분자를 포함하는 생체이식물, 및 이의 제조방법”, 한국등록 제 10-2248030 호(2021.04.28.)
  • 한동근, 한기남, “두 방향 연신을 포함하는 의료용 튜브의 제조방법”, 한국특허 제 10-2281872호(2021. 07. 20)
  • 한동근, 허윤, 신상우, 이세미, “마이크로스피어를 포함하는 필러 조성물 및 이의 제조방법”, 한국특허 출원 제 10-2021-0108186호(2021. 8. 17).
  • 한동근, 허윤, 백승운, “아연 및 마그네슘 화합물을 포함하는 생체 이식물, 및 이의 제조방법”, 한국특허 출원 제 10-2021-0130297호(2021. 09. 30)
  • 한동근, 김다슬, 이준규, “ BMP/PDRN 나노복합체가 고정된 골 재생용 고분자 지지체 및 이의 제조방법”, 한국특허 출원 제 10-2021-0155100호(2021. 11. 1).