Life science explores biologic phenomena and translates its outcomes to improve human welfare. Especially, as the nature of living organisms is uncovered at the molecular levels by recent advance of biology, the application spectrum of life science is becoming broader. With the understanding that the development of science and technology is the foundation of national competitiveness, life science along with information communication technology (IT) is recognized as the most promising academic field since the post-genome era in the 21st century.
In the future, Korea’s national competitiveness comes from the industries that technology and information are integrated. We are so sure that biotechnology industries itself are one of the kinds. For this reason, Korea’s leading companies are choosing biotechnology as the core industry of the 21st century and making intensive investments.
The Department of Biomedical Sciences at CHA University was established in 2007 with the aim of educating life science professionals required by society in line with these changes.
Our department has 18 faculty members who are actively working on cutting-edge research in the fields of reproductive medicine, stem cell biology, genomics, oncology, and regenerative medicine with international reputation. We are devoting ourself to guide students to become potential scientists in Biomedical Science. All of us as educator will do our best to enable students in the Department of Biomedical Sciences to grow into competent individuals with dreams and vision for tomorrow.